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Hey Big Tech, Now is the Perfect Time to Support...
Joan Ganz Cooney Center | May 27, 2021
Digital devices in the hands of today’s teens and tweens are here to stay. We need to start investing in the digital infrastructure that undergirds...

The long-term biological effects of COVID-19 stress on kids’ future...
The Conversation | July 12, 2020
The pandemic response has put the long-term health and well-being of children and adolescents at risk, with the possibility of seismic shifts in population health...

Panicking about your Kids’ Phones?: New Research Says Don’t
NY Times | January 17, 2020
A growing number of academics are challenging assumptions about the negative effects of social media and smartphones on children.

University of Oxford | January 27, 2022
Professor Przybylski speaks one-on-one with Professor Candice Odgers (UC Irvine) in a virtual fireside chat moderated by Professor John Horton (MIT). Their conversation spans questions...

CIFAR Beyond the Headlines
CIFAR | October 1, 2021
Moderated by award-winning health reporter and columnist, André Picard, join Candice Odgers (University of California Irvine), CIFAR Program Co-Director, Child & Brain Development and Brett...

Is social media the main issue affecting our children’s mental...
The Denver Channel | October 14, 2021
A Facebook whistleblower testified on the basis of protecting children, but some experts say it's not just social media we should be worried about.

Center for Scholars and StoryTellers, The Social Dilemma
The Center for Scholars & Storytellers | April 7, 2021
This pre-recorded discussion features a conversation between scholars and storytellers about the impact of social media on youth, and how content creators and parents should...

Tool Use, Digital Technology and the Development of the Human...
YouTube | November 1, 2018
This symposium addresses the interactive gene-culture co-evolution of the human brain with tool use and technology - ranging from simple stone tools millions...
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University of Oxford | January 27, 2022
Professor Przybylski speaks one-on-one with Professor Candice Odgers (UC Irvine) in a virtual fireside chat moderated by Professor John Horton (MIT). Their conversation spans questions...

Are Phones Good for Students?
Tech Learning | April 20, 2022
Students are using phones and screens more than ever before and, fortunately, the mental health impact of the devices may be exaggerated.

‘It’s Life or Death’: The Mental Health Crisis Among U.S....
NY Times | April 23, 2022
Depression, self-harm and suicide are rising among American adolescents. For one 13-year-old, the despair was almost too much to take.

The Influencer Generation
Omny | March 24, 2022
How can parents tell if a teen's social media use is harming their mental health? Hosts Taylor Owen and Nicole Edwards are joined by a...

The Metaverse’s Effects on Mental Health: Trivial or Troubling?
Wall Street Journal | January 9, 2022
Silicon Valley wants to create an immersive virtual world. Is that good or bad news for our well-being?

CIFAR Beyond the Headlines
CIFAR | October 1, 2021
Moderated by award-winning health reporter and columnist, André Picard, join Candice Odgers (University of California Irvine), CIFAR Program Co-Director, Child & Brain Development and Brett...

Is social media the main issue affecting our children’s mental...
The Denver Channel | October 14, 2021
A Facebook whistleblower testified on the basis of protecting children, but some experts say it's not just social media we should be worried about.

Facebook’s own data is not as conclusive as you think...
NPR | October 6, 2021
It's grabbed a lot of headlines, but the evidence on social media and teen mental health — including that Facebook and Instagram research — is...

5 edtech research trends & needs for the future
Tech Learning | September 1, 2021
Equitable edtech, individualized learning, and innovation will be among the focuses of a new collaborative at the University of California, Irvine formed to research technology's...

Center for Scholars and StoryTellers, The Social Dilemma
The Center for Scholars & Storytellers | April 7, 2021
This pre-recorded discussion features a conversation between scholars and storytellers about the impact of social media on youth, and how content creators and parents should...